What's Your Sign?
This is no surprise, the Republicans, due to their policies that benefit the wealthy and the large corporations, have a lot more money to spend on yard signs.
What I have also noticed is that the majority of signs that are in people’s yards are for Democratic candidates. This also makes sense; the majority of the people, where I travel day to day, support the Dems. Signs in a person’s yard make a greater impact than signs placed willy nilly on public lands.
The disparity: it is very easy for one guy with a hammer and a pick-up truck full of Republican signs to drive around and place them in free spaces whereas the majority of people who individually support Dem candidates may not yet have yard signs.
Today’s action item is to stop by your Dem candidate’s offices and pick-up some yard signs and display them proudly. While there, check out some literature and see if there is anything else that you might do to help the campaign. For good measure, try paying for the sign (they are at least $3.00 a piece) and offer enough funds to pay for a few more.
It might be fun to actually find out who all of your Dem candidates are. Not only for National races but local and State races as well.
What I have found, while living on a busy street, is that my signs are viewed hundreds of times a day, but they are also subject to being stolen (yes, they do that.) They do not, however, take signs that are on windows. Putting signs on windows is also a good solution for apartment dwellers.
Let me know what your experience with yard signs has been and let me know if you pick them up. This should be a fun activity.
At 10:47 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Anjha, Mike Stabile gave your site a plug on his site LEFT is RIGHT!
At 10:57 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
I saw that SOS - wonder how he found out? Can you ask him?
A few people came here from there. Pretty cool, huh?
Some people who have visited have actually stayed for several minutes and read things and such.
TLC and L&L have been wonderful in pimping my site....
now if we could only get people to post!
At 11:30 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Anjha, I sure he got it from TLC. He's a regular lurker. Naw, he comments sometimes. He's a bud of mine. He was one of my first. Blogs that is. I still love going there, just for the amount of information he has at the top of his page and elsewhere.
Hey for a suggestion I thought you might check out how Jeff Huber has his comment publish page set up, Pen and Sword. I'm not sure what this accomplishes but I think it has to with spam content.
At 11:35 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
Yes, there is an option for the word verification to cut down on spam. I don't even have real posters yet (excepting the three of you) so I don't have to worry about spam - for now.
We will see how it goes.
At 11:36 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Let me know what word verification accomplishes. Thanks.
Your inspiring me to start my own.
Not yet.
At 11:37 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
That was funny!
At 4:37 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
At 4:43 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
I can't believe I remembered this password, finally!
This is an excellent example of a simple act of.....well, activism....that anyone can do.
At 4:50 PM, August 23, 2006,
mainsailset said…
Congratulations! I thought your sign post was a great idea and have posted on EW and the State Roots Project about it.
Hope you have fun with this and kick some serious butt.
At 4:50 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
Last year I found a sign for a repub candidate in my yard. I immediately tore it out and up and trashed it. I thought it was a mistake or act of vandalism.
Later I found out my husband put it there.
Yes, I'm ashamed. Still, I would have torn it up even had I known the truth.
At 7:04 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
Lately I've noticed I'm making entire sentences from nothing but cuss words. I should be up to paragraphs in a couple of days.
At 7:22 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Yes a republican administration will make you cuss! MF's!
At 9:07 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
OMG - look what happens when I get stuck at work all afternoon!
Like a fucking watch-pot, never boils.
Watched blogs, never post!
Main, saw your comment on L&L - made my whole day. Seriously. If even one little movement occurs, then I have done my job. Thank you.
You all are fabulous!
By the way, really enjoy the pun:
Like your sign post! Heh.
At 9:33 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
I've got to find my local Dem office
I know - i have to go to a few candidate's offices (cannot be asking people to do what I have not yet done.)
I have the Senator's sign and a Rep from the next district over, but I need to go pick up my Reps and State Dem and Senator. It will be good for me to go around and pick them up.
I am sure that I will get sucked in to some other volunteer activity.
I want to do so much more than my body will allow.
At 9:34 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
Yes a republican administration will make you cuss! MF's!
And cry and kick things and vomit.
At 9:35 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
Later I found out my husband put it there.
And you're still married?!
At 9:36 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
Tell me you don't have a cussing filter, or I'll never be able to comment...
Look who your fucking talking to!
At 9:37 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
and have posted on EW and the State Roots Project
Did ya link me, Main?
Am very happy about all of the traffic.
At 10:00 PM, August 23, 2006,
Anjha said…
I thought it was a mistake or act of vandalism.
Yes, they all are: mistakes and acts of vandalism.
At 10:32 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
And you're still married?!
There were words! He knew the person....I didn't give a damn...that's as far as I can go.
There will be no repub signs in my yard.
Thanks for reminding me of my story.
Forgot the pw again. Urggh!
At 10:34 PM, August 23, 2006,
Change said…
Oops-this time I forgot my name, not the pw. Well the wine is kicking in. Time for bed.
At 9:43 AM, August 24, 2006,
Anjha said…
Well, OTF, you are a much better woman than I. I do not know if I could be married to someone who I did not share political views with.
I was thinking last night that America had my undivided attention - after 9/11 I really felt more patriotic than any other time in my life -
until now.
People do not understand that fighting for our democracy and fighting for the preservation of what our Founders intended is being truly Patriotic.
We love America and are fighting to save Her from the attacks from within.
This is the greatest fight of our lives.
At 9:49 AM, August 24, 2006,
mainsailset said…
Rats, hit the wrong button. I'll try to post like a grown up this time. This is for everyone's entertainment of the am.
Thanks to Anja I called up my local Dem office yesterday to get signs UPS'd out. They emailed back the following:
Signs for everyone: "212 4av/corner 4 and Lincoln x from historic Lutheran Church, (the one looks like a log cabin) just thru the little park from the PO behind bank, signs in blue pu"
WTF? To begin with I have no idea what town this person is talking about.
It got worse from there and after 4 more emails I still couldn't tell you where the signs are so I'm just gonna drive around looking for a blue pu (which probably has a napping pit bull in the back)... sometimes I wonder if they're right and evolution really is just a theory.
Everyone have a good day and better luck than me getting signs. Any more ideas Anja? (smile!)
At 10:30 AM, August 24, 2006,
Anjha said…
Holy crap.
You know, around here campaign offices are actually offices, not blue pick-ups. They have addresses and everything.
Made me laugh Main.
Thank you.
I have a dentist appointment. I'll talk to you all later.
At 1:49 PM, August 24, 2006,
Change said…
OUCH Anjha!
You've hurt my feelings so badly I'm not comin' round here no more.
Just kidding-takes a hell of a lot more than that.
I'm just not coming round here no more for the the next six wks. or so. I'll be in solitary confinement. I am allowed to have my computer and visit the library. Unfortunately, I can only read peer reviewed research or literature. (Hey, there's peer reviewed research and lit. here!-Naw, that won't work.)
I'll be taking an exam: take home, sit-down, and orals. Sounds kinda nasty doesn't it?
If I'm not back in six wks. you can bet I'm losing fingers for every day I'm late.
Don't worry, I really do know how to use a spell check and standard eng. But what fun is that?
At 1:59 PM, August 24, 2006,
Anjha said…
Actually OTF, it was a compliment. Truly.
My husband and I are so incredibly different in every single way, except our politics.
I have become pretty intolerant of ignorant politics. Or, I should say, people who do not care to become involved. People who are resigned to believing it is someone else's problem.
I am extremely intolerant of people who vote the way that their pastor tells them to. That really freaks me out.
The far right scares the hell out of me. I wish that we had more people in the Congress like Ron Paul R. TX and Walter Jones R. NC - these are your father's Republican Party vs. the Neocons who run things. These people scare me and the people who support them also scare me.
So, it was a compliment that you are a bigger woman than I and can look beyond politics to the person. I admire this.
I am sorry that you will be smothered by academia for so long. You should not stay away though...there is much to learn here too. I will miss you.
At 2:12 PM, August 24, 2006,
Change said…
You're giving me way too much credit-really!!!
See, I should be putting the final touches on a syllabus for tonight but here I am.
I don't do moderation very well.
I must wean myself away.
At 12:50 PM, August 26, 2006,
Anjha said…
Tempu, what are you doing posting way down here on a dead thread?
Your site is catching on, rapidly.
Sez who?
Actually there have been some interesting places linking to here. Places I have never heard of. Even someone's MySpace Journal gave me a plug.
Cool, huh?
Be active on some active threads. I need some posters.
At 6:33 AM, December 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:53 AM, November 05, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:04 PM, November 07, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 10:32 AM, November 08, 2009,
Anjha said…
Three year old, dead thread, on a blog that I have not written a post for in forever...a whole bunch of spam posts about buying drugs and sex online.
All deleted.
Waste of time - maybe - but I hate that spam crap.
At 8:24 AM, November 14, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:39 PM, November 16, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:10 AM, November 18, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 10:48 AM, November 19, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:07 AM, November 20, 2009,
Anonymous said…
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