Sitting on Your Ass Can Also Be Action
One of the biggest difficulties with public perception is that the people are subject to never-ending propaganda via the traditional media. It is extremely unfortunate but it is the truth of the American society today.
We can no longer count on the media to be the fourth estate. The media conglomerates have too many conflicts of interest to report the truth. We have [Saint] Reagan to thank for the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine. Although it started with Reagan and Bush I,we have Clinton to thank for the deregulation of media consolidation.
Representative Slaughter has introduced legislation to restore the Fairness Doctrine. HR 501. Please contact your Rep and ask them to cosponsor this legislation. 1-888-355-3588.
Anyway – back to sitting on your ass and doing Progressive Action at the same time. How about we take it upon ourselves to educate people? Why not invite your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers over for a Progressive movie night? Make it a potluck; then you only need to provide a DVD player and a TV and a couple of places to sit. Brilliant, huh?!
What movies to show?
There are a few movies out there who are asking for people to host a screening:
• The Big Guy – Tom Delay’s Stolen Congress
• Sir No Sir!
• Iraq For Sale
• Why We Fight
There are several examples of coordinated Progressive movie showings. These sites can offer ideas for what to show:
• Progressive Movie Screenings in Vancouver
• Portland Alliance Movie Night
• Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies
Here are a few Progressive Movie makers:
• Michael Moore dot com
• Iron Weed Films
• Stone Soup Studios
Here are a couple of sites that offer some downloads and some trailers:
• Brasscheck TV
• Information Clearing House dot info
Here is a cool subscription movie org where you keep the movies (these movies are labeled “Spiritual” vs “Progressive” but it is pretty cool that you own the movies.) I am partial to Netflix dot com, but there are several ways to get great movies.
• Spiritual Cinema Circle
Sit on your ass, host a movie night, educate the populace. This will provide a tremendous service to the American people.
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
At 10:07 AM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
I invite you to please suggest movies and offer reviews.
This can really be a fun activity.
At 10:21 AM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
Oh and please, still looking for feedback on the site additions. Let me know if it looks to busy.
At 10:56 AM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
Hartmann just reminded me of this guy.
Ben Ferencz is brilliant. A wonderful man who was a prosecutor at the Nuremburg trials.
He is calling for the prosecution of Bush for War Crimes.
At 12:26 PM, August 28, 2006, Anonymous said…
Anjha, Some Senators have denied they blocked this bill, maybe we can call our Senators to flush this turd out!
At 12:35 PM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
SOS, I read about this.
I will have to research it more.
Isn't that ridiculous that no one will cop to it?! A hidden block.
These fuckers. Really. The public absolutely wants and demands accountability. No one can admit public to not being for transparency. So, they pull this stupid little trick.
There is legislation to disallow hidden blocks. I'll have to find that as well.
At 1:11 PM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
Hey - you all have probably seen the OK Go video a long time ago, but I think it is a blast. I put it at the bottom of the page.
Check it out if you have not yet seen it.
Colbert had the lead singer on the other night, the next day someone came here from their blogspot site - so, I grabbed the video.
Cool, huh?
I have to get ready for work now. See you all later.
At 1:12 PM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
Coyote - you don't think all the clocks are too busy? Just wonderin.
At 6:19 PM, August 28, 2006, Anjha said…
Coyote, I need you to have some ooomph.
I need some posts here.
The colors - just a template from blogspot. I like it.
At 6:44 PM, August 28, 2006, Anonymous said…
Colors are original. I agree with coyote.
I know, I couldn't believe it when I read it! They still don't realize that they work for us!
Please be Jon Kyl! Please be Jon Kyl!
At 7:37 AM, August 29, 2006, mainsailset said…
For the viewing please of those who would like to see how the Rep incumbent in my district is running her campaign I would submit See post by Gibney "Metaphor" The perfect choice of location for a representative of a party that lives in an abandoned house.
At 10:07 AM, August 29, 2006, Anjha said…
Thanks Main, you have inspired today's upcoming post.
Amazing picture.
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