Progressive Action Spot

"Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become wolves." Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Trying to Stay in Touch

I apologize for being so absent as of late. I have had a lot of personal difficulties and staying on line is not very easy.

Here are some quick hits for today. I will attempt to be a little more regular. I apologize to my three readers for nothing new for so long.

Petitions and Events:

End genocide in Darfur.

Demand justice for Smithfield workers.

Hope for the Holidays – Wake Up WalMart events.

December 10th is Human Rights and Impeachment Day. Find an event here.

Tell AG Suthers to stop misusing his office

Stop spying on US citizens.

Support clean elections.

Support verified voting.

Feminist Majority action page

Tell Congress to make clean energy a priority.

January 27th protest in DC

Progressive Portal petitons.

Tell lawmakers to protect us from the credit card companies.

Items of Interest:

Read the reports on fake news from PR Watch. We must overcome the propaganda if we are to help to educate this Country.

Watch the video on “The Best War Ever.”

Check out CongressPedia. Fabulous website on every bit of Congressional news out there.

Check out Source Watch. Another project (as are the previous three items of interest) of the Center for Media and Democracy. A site of citizen journalists attempting to get at the truth behind the news; replacing propaganda with facts, one word at a time.

Stories ignored or not covered by corporate media. From 1976 to present.

Institute for a Democratic Future taking applications. Building a stronger Washington State.

You can send messages of condolence and support to Anna Politkovskaya's family and friends via her newspaper, Novaya Gazeta.

Give the gift of wildlife adoption.

This site could become useful (if I had more time and energy….)

Another good publication.


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